How Deb's was born

The story of a sincere love

Live, Grow, Love: Deb's Journey

To answer this question, I think it's best to tell you a little about myself.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Deborah, a girl with the desire to seek happiness in the little things in life . I grew up in the Canavese countryside and, since I was a child, I was a rather introverted and insecure person, but at the same time also very curious.

I have always enjoyed observing the world in its entirety, from the people who live in it every day to the living beings of the animal and plant world.

The Call of Nature

Life took its course, and my studies led me to choose Design and Visual Communication at the Polytechnic of Turin. It was there that my mind began to reopen , bringing back that desire to look at the world with different eyes. I finally remembered everything I had left pending, that desire to discover who I really was .

I needed to get some distance from reality, to carve out a space of my own. Because, in the meantime, the girl who grew up in the countryside had become a city girl.

Well, after a year away from my woods, I started to miss them. The frenzy of life, the never-ending work, and those concrete and brick walls were slowly suffocating me.

The desire to escape from reality

Deb's was born from the desire to show people how beautiful the world around us is. It's my way of reminding us all to be alive, to cultivate our passions and dreams, and to never forget who we really are . On September 24, 2021, the day of my 26th birthday, I decided to give life to a project that involved a sector that has always fascinated me. A project that I was able to realize thanks to a deep love that has always been with me, but that, over time, I had forgotten a little: the love for nature .

Reborn with Deb's

Deb’s is rebirth .

It is that desire to scream to the world that we are alive. Day after day, it is growing and becoming an increasingly ambitious project. What will it become? We will find out together.

Enter the world of Deb's

Every fourth day of the month you will receive inLOVE's letter , a newsletter dedicated to self-love, motivational and reflective, with the aim of making us understand that we are not alone and that often thoughts are more common than we might think!

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